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The MEYBOR BORAN STUD was founded in 2007. A close friend of us, Schalk van Oudtshoorn, a Boran Breeder, introduced us to the Boran Cattle Breed. We immediately knew that the Boran is something special. Although it is a beautiful animal, the potential in this breed is something special and a must in South Africa cattle industry. The quality of the Boran is something not to found in any Breed.
After a long consideration and research we realized that the Boran is a breed that can't just been bought on any sale. Further more the prices of these cattle made it impossible for Commercial Breeders to buy and to fulfil a need, we decided to buy Boran females (Registered embryo donors) exclusively for the provision of embryos. We realized that if we want to meet the market we had to buy the best genetics, quality and the most fertile females we can get.
We attend the 2007 National Boran Sale and bought our first Boran cow from the wellknown Heavitree Boran Stud. In August '07 we bought two in calf heifers on the Boran Genetics Sale of Simon Hodgson, B04-064 for R155,000-00 and B 05-90 for R125,000-00. Both imported embryos from MOGWOONI, WARAGUS and SOLIO Studs in KENYA and NEW GENETICS released in Africa.
We had to wait for the heifers to calf before we could start with an embryo flushing program at Embryo Plus at Brits.
We start flushing in March '08 and sold all the grade 1 embryos. We then flushed our cows on a regular basis and realized that we had to buy more females to supply the demand for embryos. Our policy is to get our females in calf after we flushed them 3 to 4 times consecutively.
WE bought 3 heifers on Schalk van Oudtshoorn Sale the same year and in 2008 we bought TLM 03-56 for R140,000-00 at the National Sale and B05-123 for R122,000-00 at Boran Genetics Sale, both IMPORTED EMBRYOS from KENYA.
We use all our grade 2 and 3 embryos implanting them into recipient cows.
WE strive to breed a good looking, functional efficient Boran with fertility, growth, good converter of roughage into good quality meat, good temperament disease resistance and longevity as characteristics.
DIE MEYBOR BORAN STOET IS BEGIN IN 2007. 'n Goeie vriend van ons, Schalk van Oudtshoorn, 'n Boran-teler, het ons die eerste keer bekendgestel aan die Boran Beesras. Ons het dadelik geweet dat hierdie beeste iets besonders is. Behalwe dat die diere pragtig is, is dit veral die potensiaal wat dit inhou vir die beesbedryf wat ons onmiddellik beïndruk het. Die eienskappe van die Boran vind mens nie sommer maklik in een beesras nie!
Na baie oorweging en navorsing het ons besef dat hierdie beeste nie sommer op enige veiling gekoop kan word nie. Verder het die prys van die diere dit moeilik gemaak vir die kommersiële boer om diere in te koop. Om in hierdie behoefte te voorsien, het ons besluit om Borane te koop en uitsluitlik te fokus op die verskaffing van embrio's. Ons het besef dat ons dus die beste kwaliteit en vrugbaarste diere moet aankoop om aan die markbehoeftes te voldoen.
Op die Nasionale Boran Veiling 2007 het ons ons eerste dragtige Boran-koei - HVT 0305 - van Outspan Boran Stoet gekoop. In Augustus is die volgende dragtige verse op die veiling van Boran Genetics van Simon Hodgson gekoop:B 04064 en B 0590, R155,000 en R125,000 onderskeidelik. Beide is ingevoerde embrios uit die welbekende Mogwooni-, Woragus-en Solio Stoete in Kenia. Hulle is nuwe bloedlyne in Suid-Afrika.
Met die veiling van Schalk van Oudtshoorn het ons drie verse van Elandspruit Stoetery gekoop: CFH 06760, CFH 06814 en CFH 0727. Almal uit beproefde embrio-skenkers.